Sunday, October 24, 2010


We put the boys school.  How did this happen? It was not easy to make a decision like this, but my hubby felt strongly about it.  As far as socialization goes, my kids are veterans.  The schools now require a lot of writing. Even Ismaeel is writing stories everyday.  Writing  has been the struggle everyday since school started.  Ibraheem has to get used to writing everyday or he will miss out on special trips.  So its time to put that pencil on that paper and get creative.  I bought the series “Adventures in Literacy” years ago.  I didn’t realize how good they were.  I brought it with me from my mothers basement.  I need to go back and get the other three books.  We started with the title “Adventure Stories”".  It has a whole page of words that you would find in a rainforest and other writing ideas.  It has been hard for all of us because I have  to help him and push him to get it done.  15 minutes of free writing can be hours for him.  I woke him up at 7 and its almost 12pm and we are still here at the table and I am still pushing him to finish.  I am hoping inshallah that this will get easier with time.  I still have to get some school supplies.  My head is starting to thump.  Headache, you better come back later.  I have no time to deal with you right now.

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